Browse Day: April 29, 2019

property finder

Questions to consider when choosing a real estate agency

Whether you want to buy, sell or rent, having a real estate professional will allow you to save time and money by providing objectivity and guarantees to your operation. However, in order to achieve this, alpha real estate offers some tips that must be taken into consideration before going to a real estate property finder agency, such as searching for information about your professional career or taking advantage of new technologies.

Look for information about the agency

To which you have consideration to bring your property. Inquire about your experience and your trajectory in the market. This first step can be very indicative of the seriousness of the company and its commitment to its customers.

Advice from a professional:

Sometimes we rely on family or friends to get help, moved by trust and with the expectation of achieving a cheaper price. However, our recommendation is that you go to an expert, as it will provide you with objectivity throughout the operation process, without giving rise to false expectations.

Request specific information on how to advertise your property:

The real estate agency that suits you is the one that offers the best marketing plan for your property. It is not only important to be in the main real estate portals known by all, but also to have a wide database of potential buyers, and real estate agents interested in facilitating a cross sale.

property finderConfirm if you properly take advantage of the new technologies:

Currently, the best agencies have powerful marketing tools to promote real estate: highlights, professional photos, videos, etc. Also examine if you know how to take genuine benefit of original technology to fully appreciate the price at which a home can in fact be sold.

Request real and objective information:

Talk to the real estate professional as if it were a job interview. Choose one who has knowledge of valuation of real estate, the market and legal issues. Request information about sales made, years of experience in that area, relationship of collaborators, advertising media, managed portfolio, training, membership of associations or professional networks, etc.