Browse Day: January 18, 2020

comprehensive background check

Facts to know about comprehensive background check

If in case a person has applied for a job or applied for an apartment to live, then he/she has to undergo the process of a background check. Here the company will verify that the information provided by the applicant is correct or not. They will check the rental history, the criminal record, person education, employment history, etc.

Some of the types of comprehensive background checks are listed below:

  • Employment background check: It is a type of check to make sure that, the person they are going to hire does not possess a threat to the company. Usually, an employment check is done for the past 7 years, but sometimes they may check it for 10 years too.
  • Criminal background check: When a company needs to check a person’s criminal background, whether any fraud committed in the past or not, to check if that person has committed any violent crime or not. Then comes the question of a criminal background check. One may check the criminal background in the national criminal database, country criminal court, or sex offender’s registry.
  • Universal background check: When a person buys a firearm from any manufacturer, or dealer, then the seller must perform this kind of check. Some states in the USA perform this kind of check.

 comprehensive background check

OIG background check: This is the check usually done by the office of Inspector general.This check is usually done to verify that the prospective employee is not involved in Medicare or Medicaid fund. He/she should not have abused a patient earlier.

  • E verify background check: This is used by employers to verify the employment eligibility of the new employee. In this process, it will verify that the person is eligible to work in a particular country. It requires photo id, SSN(Social security number), etc.
  • Finger Print background check: This type of background check is often done with another type of background check. This type of checking is usually being done at schools, airports, fire departments, and hospitals. To get the professional license, in the casino, Medicare care, and in the real estate field.
  • International background check: If some person has studied, lived or worked for some time outside the USA, then again if he/she wants to work in the USA, then that person has to undergo this kind of check. A good hire is a site, who does these kinds of a background checks.

The main purpose of background checks is to create a safe environment in workplaces and in society.