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How corporate social responsibility works to help those in need?

Corporate social responsibility is the service held by every organization with turnover and committed towards working as charity organization. Most of the top organizations do the social activity of helping people. They have the best charity system with many helping hands. There are huge numbers of people who work for helping people in need. Those are people with humanity. They spend their hard earned money to help those unfortunates. There is huge number of people with need and everyone is not met with a charity helper. Thus CSR is there to help every person in need.

In Singapore there are many people who wish to contribute for people in need. As CSR is mainly to help people in need and unfortunate, there are many companies and organization help in the form of charity service. G&L surgical is the hospital in Singapore with dr ganesh ramalingam singapore as the head surgeon. He is an endoscopy specialist. He with his team and wife works for the charity help. His heart towards people is kind and he makes the best service in helping in terms of medical and charity. He dedicated his life for the needy and he works those people who are unfortunate in life. He has a kind heart that listens to the poverty people. Every work of his is pure and kind in terms of humanity. He had helped many and is on the go to help people. His work is always best with good helping tendency. He is a gem of person in providing charity works.